Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Γιατί θυμώνουμε?!

Όταν πιστεύουμε ότι κάποιος μας έχει αδικήσει ή ότι έχει λανθασμένη κρίση για το άτομό μας, τότε θυμώνουμε και μερικές φορές θυμώνουμε πολύ!...
Φυσικά και είναι φυσιολογική (και βιολογική) αντίδραση του οργανισμού μας ο θυμός, αλλά η ωριμότητα με την οποία θα τον χειριστούμε αποτελεσματικά, είναι ο τρόπος για να μην μένουν μέσα μας ΄κατάλοιπα΄.
Υπάρχουν φορές που όταν θυμώνουμε με κάποιον ξεσπάμε άσχημα.Φωνάζουμε, ωρυόμαστε, ενίοτε βρίζουμε κιόλας, και ύστερα όταν ηρεμήσουμε αναρωτιόμαστε γιατί τόση πολλή φασαρία για μία διαφωνία.Σίγουρα υπάρχει αιτία. Αλλά θα πρέπει να την αναζητήσουμε στο παρελθόν.
Κάποιες φορές θα είχαμε θυμώσει με παρόμοιο τρόπο και η τωρινή κατάσταση έρχεται σαν εικόνα μπροστά μας, θυμόμαστε πώς αισθανθήκαμε και ξεσπάμε και για τότε και για τώρα. Αφού δεν είχαμε διαχειριστεί σωστά τότε τον θυμό μας, τώρα …. ΄΄βγαίνουν τα απωθημένα΄΄.
Σίγουρα αυτός είναι ένας λάθος τρόπος αντίδρασης μας, γιατί δεν θα μπορέσουμε ούτε και τώρα να βρούμε το δίκιο μας.
Άλλες πάλι φορές αποφεύγουμε μία σύγκρουση, γιατί κουραστήκαμε από τις διαφωνίες, από τις φωνές και τους έντονους καβγάδες και προκειμένου να μην αντιμετωπίσουμε ξανά μία ίδια κατάσταση, … ΄΄πνίγουμε΄΄ μέσα μας τον θυμό μας.
Η αλήθεια είναι … ότι τελικά ο θυμός, ούτε πνίγεται, ούτε καταπίνεται, ούτε χωνεύεται. Υπάρχει και συνεχίζει να υπάρχει μέχρι να βρει περιθώρια έκφρασης.Αν δεν εκφραστεί, κάποια στιγμή αρχίζουμε να λυπόμαστε τον εαυτό μας, να αισθανόμαστε ΄΄θύματα΄΄ και να μοιρολατρούμε γενικώς.
Τι πρέπει να κάνουμε;
Το να συζητάμε με τον εαυτό μας, το να βρίσκουμε τις πηγές και τις ρίζες της οποιασδήποτε λανθασμένης αντίδρασής μας, είναι το καλύτερο που έχουμε να κάνουμε. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο θα έχουμε κάνει ένα μεγάλο δώρο στον εαυτό μας, αφού θα έχουμε φέρει στην επιφάνεια τα θέματα που μας ΄΄μπλόκαραν΄΄ και αναλύοντας τα θα βρίσκουμε λύσεις και μελλοντικά θα αντιμετωπίζουμε πιο ειρηνικά τις τυχόν διενέξεις.

Μην αφήνετε λοιπόν θυμωμένες στιγμές να δηλητηριάζουν το παρόν και το μέλλον σας!!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

National Geographic Photo Contest 2011

1. 1st prize:  Gazing at Crater Lake

1. First prize

2. 2nd prize: Confession, Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela

3.second prize

3.3rd prize: Feeding Time

3. third prize

4. Merit prize: Godzilla’s footprint

4. merit winner

5. Merit prize: Who let the tigers out


6. Merit prize: Peekers at Bofina Pub

6.merit winner

7. Merit prize: Lone Boshman

7. merit winner

8. Merit prize: Dancing with Dolphins

8.merit winner

9. Merit prize: Girls Dancing

9.merit winner

10. Merit prize: Picnic Song

10. merit

How to Deal with Family Members that Stress You Out or Drive You Crazy!

Understand What's Happening to You: A Brief Primer on Stress

You know what it feels like to be in those awkward situations, or those conversations where you can tell your family is grilling you on something you'd rather not discuss, so it's not difficult to identify.Unfortunately, dealing with an irritating family member who won't leave you alone isn't something you can deal with by running fast or climbing high. Once you understand what's going on, cooler heads can prevail and you can try to see through your emotional response and de-escalate the situation.

Deal with Stressful Situations by Relaxing and Disengaging

Take a few deep breaths and try to minimize the stressful situation in your mind.
If your family is annoying you and you're worried you'll say something you'll regret, excuse yourself and take it up with them later. That'll give you time to calm down and think about how you want to approach the situation, if you want to revisit it at all.

If All Else Fails, Hack the Conversation

Turn the question around so they're the stressed party.
Return fire with "How would you feel if I asked you that," or "What do you think I'll say," forcing them to answer their own question, or at least tip their hand to what they want to hear from you.
Be sarcastically polite.
Sometimes that's enough to get them to leave you alone.
Go on the offensive.
As in, ask them something they'll have trouble with before they ask you.
Keep them talking.
When they start, listen politely and ask for additional information at every opening. Doing so makes them talk to you, instead of the other way around.
Get rid of them.
If you're helping in the kitchen and you're being grilled by a family member, ask them to do something that takes them out of the kitchen, even if it's for a moment.

Remember, They're Family: You Don't Have to Like Them!

Lifehacker by Alan Henry

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Is the Breaking Dawn Birth Scene Causing Seizures?

Breaking Dawn breaking dawn seizures 600x600 Is the Breaking Dawn Birth Scene Causing Seizures?  breaking dawn part 1

A man from California says he had a seizure while watching the birth scene in Breaking Dawn Part 1, leading him to pass out in the theater.
Brandon Gephart and Kelly Bauman said they were watching “Breaking Dawn: Part One” at a theater Friday night when Brandon sudden began convulsing during a graphic birthing scene.
Brandon said he doesn’t remember anything until he woke up on the theater floor, but Kelly said he was, “convulsing, snorting, trying to breathe.”
A man from Utah is reporting a similar experience-
The couple says one scene flashes bright light on the audience and the scene is incredibly graphic. That’s when the husband, who doesn’t want to be named for fear he could lose his job, says this stimulation made him pass out and his body shake.
“I didn’t really remember what happened after that I think I blacked out. According to her, I was shaking and mumbling different noises,” he said.
His wife was sitting by his side, “He started mumbling and he was blinking on and off with his eyes at that point. I was kneeling in front of him slapping his face,” she said.
Obviously many questions remain–are these reports accurate? Is the movie the cause? How widespread is the problem if it’s true?
Everyone should be able to enjoy the experience of this new addition to the Twiligt Saga, so let’s hope the movie is not at the heart of these claims, and everyone is safe no matter the cause.

[ABC4 Utah, CBS Sacramento, Photo by Vitroid]